VIZA 644

For this course I was hoping to create a finished digital maquette in the hyper-realistic style of a fantasy character and her mount in Maya and ZBrush. The final product will be a 3D model and turntable of that model.

My focus for this project will be to create an engaging form and vibrant pose for the sculpture.

I will prepare some preliminary sketches to investigate form and emotion in the characters. Once a concept has been decided upon, further sketches into history and anatomy will be done. I will then block out major forms then sculpt at the higher levels until no more detail can be achieved. I will then move on to a finer level of detail an continue until done.

The purpose of this project is to fully explore the nuances of form through sculpture.


Weeks of Aug 30 - Sep 19 develop concept
Week of Sep 26 rough out geometry of the mount
Week of Oct 3 tweak and refine mount head
Weeks of Oct 10-23 tweak and refine mount body
Week of Oct 24 tweak and refine mount arms & Legs
Week of Oct 31 rough out geometry of the rider
Week of Nov 7 tweak and refine rider head & body
Week of Nov 14 rough out geometry of carriage and other props
Week of Nov 21 refine geometry of carriage and other props
Week of Nov 28 integrate everything and finalize sculpture

Monday, November 29, 2010

Maquette Animatic

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